Sunday, 27 January 2013

He He He! Sugar Rush!


Pic 1: my favorites are the Hello Kitty(row 1), and the pink butterfly(row 2).
Hello again! Today I had a crazy, wacky idea (probably conceived in a haze of sugar induced hype), you know those canes of polymer clay (Fimo) that some people use to decorate their nails(pic 1), I find it such a waste of skill after all someone has used their hands to sculpt these shapes and they just get chipped off in the end. So I decided to decorate my spare MP3 player (Its the one that doesn't matter if it gets stolen or broken) with them instead, hence pic 2 and 3.

Who would want to steal this?
He He He! LOL!
If I did this to my Samsung my Dad would kill me!

See you soon! Love, Soph. XXX

Shapeways Update!

Sorry peeps!I know its been a while but for all us year 9s out there choosing options has not been fun! There are just too many things I want to do, but my blog isn't about me winging, so on with the post:

How cool, geek fashion! I really love the elegance of these dragon wings i think they would go really well with a dark, long dress, not with shorts and a t-shirt, because these are more intriguing glamour than summer cuteness!

Red Halter Maxi Dress from "idea2wear" on etsy
Wing Earrings - Stainless Steel.  Design by "improbablecog" on Shapeways.
Elegant, quirky 
(sightly geeky) evening outfit!

See you soon! Love, Soph. xxx

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

My Winter Apparel

Winter fashion is often the cutest, around winter time I used to get annoyed because the end of October meant  packing up all your shorts, blouses and floaty skirts for about a third of a year (thanks to our British weather!), but now I think I have found my inner winter peace. Instead you can just unpack your woolies, get your nice thick jeans out and of course find your boots!

My Eloise scarf from Fat face knitted accessories shop. 
These are nice gloves but the added bonus is I can use my Samsung galaxy without taking off my gloves! 
Best till last... my vintage docs!

See you soon! Love Soph, xxx

Winter Wonderland! (photo shoot)

I LOVE WINTER,  I love the sound of ice cracking underfoot, I love the trees gilded with silver snow,I love the frosty mornings when the pavement looks like it is coated with diamonds, but most of all I love the fact that now it has snowed again, it is time to show of our new woolies, fish out our beloved boots from under the bed and dress ourselves up in all our lovely winter apparel!

At the end of my street there is a beautiful mini-wood I thought about doing a photo-shoot here but seeing all the snow motivated me to do it straight away so here goes:

A pearl and crystal chain (made by me), a Swarovski cabochon with chainmaile (me) and  a necklace from Switzerland.
A rosewood carved bead from Switzerland
A closer look.
4 in 1 chainmaile weave. (also known as European, because the chainmail armor was made using this weave )

My Deathly Hallows pendant (tutorial coming soon!)
 This photo was taken with the DH pendant on a frozen pond.
European chainmaille cuff.
1) Copper hearts Bracelet, 2) Shambala style swarovki crystal bracelet, 3)  Chainmaille cuff

I hope you enjoy my first photo shoot!

See you soon! love Soph, xxx

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

My Business cards!

OK, I know this is a weird thing to post about but I thought I would share my new business cards that I printed today!

         See you soon, love Soph. xxx

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Bracelet Trees! Tutorial

Hi! I finally finished my first tutorial! It's on the Projects/Tutorials page, if you make my project please send me a photo (via email at , ), it would be great to see some of your work!
          See you soon!  Love, Soph. xxx