
Bracelet Tree!
This is very exiting, I am thinking of sending this project to one of my favorite creative magazines (Mollie Makes), but alas the picture quality probably isn't good enough. ): I will send it but in the mean time here you go! I hope you enjoy it anyway! xxx

P.S. for a necklace tree you will need 4 pieces of wire and don't cut the folded wire in half, just carry on as normal after that.

You will need:

  • Two 1m pieces of wire (3-4mm wide)
  • Wire cutters and Flat nosed pliers
Fold the wire in half and cut into two equal pieces. leave one half meter piece to the side , as we will need it in step 3. 
Fold the three remaining pieces in half, at the bent end take your pliers and curve the bottom 3-4cm into feet, they should be right angles, and be about equal in length.   
Bunch the tree legs up in your left hand, with your right take the spare piece and wrap it around the legs, starting at the feet and leaving around  10cm for the next step. 
Keep wrapping until you get half way up, then wrap back down again and cut off any surplus.
With the left over tail weave in and out of the feet to stabilise them.
Check it stands up properly if it is wobbly or leans over to one side  precede to  the next step, if not skip it.
Spread the branches and stand the tree up on them, bend the feet up towards you until the tree stands up straight. See image below.
Take your flat nosed pliers and curl the ends of the branches with them, this will stop bracelets sliding off.
With your hand bend the branches down.
Now adorn your tree with your beautiful creations and intelligent buys!  

 Hope you enjoyed and found this useful, if you have any questions or need advice please comment or send me an email at , see you soon!
                                              Love Soph, xxx

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